Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Harish H N
3 min readAug 19, 2023


Understanding of Relationships and Its Issue Resolution — The Vedic Way

The foundation of all relationships is the concept of one family as per Vedas. Irrespective of whether or not we know each other, the fact that we all dwell in this one home called Vasundhara or Earth makes us relatives.

अयं बन्धुरयंनेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् |
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥

This person is mine, and this one is not’ is a false perception of ignorant and selfish individuals. For those who have realized and live in the abundance of knowledge and wisdom, the entire world is their family.

These are the Five Tips from Vedas to resolve Relationship Issues:

1. Practice Patience and Understanding: The Vedas teach us to cultivate patience and understanding in our relationships. When facing conflicts or disagreements, take a step back, examine the situation from the other person’s perspective, and try to understand their emotions and concerns. Avoid immediate reactions or judgment, and instead, engage in open and calm communication that fosters understanding and resolution.

2. Embrace Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a vital aspect of maintaining healthy relationships, as it helps release resentment and promote emotional healing. The Vedas emphasize the importance of forgiveness to overcome conflicts and restore harmony. Reflect on the root causes of the issue and forgive both yourself and your partner, allowing space for growth and mutual understanding.

3. Practice Kindness and Generosity: The Vedas encourage the practice of kindness and generosity as a means to strengthen relationships. Show empathy and compassion towards your partner, and perform acts of kindness or small acts of service to nurture and express your love and care. By cultivating a culture of generosity and kindness, you create an environment that supports the growth and happiness of both partners.

4. Seek Guidance from Wise Individuals: In the Vedas, seeking guidance from wise individuals is highly valued, particularly in resolving relationship issues. Identify a mentor or a wise person who can provide objective advice and guidance. Their wisdom and experience can help gain a fresh perspective on the situation, offer solutions, and guide both partners towards resolving conflicts.

5. Practice Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement: The Vedas emphasize the importance of self-awareness and self-improvement in relationships. Take time for self-reflection to identify any personal shortcomings or negative patterns of behavior that may contribute to relationship issues. Foster personal growth by practicing yoga, meditation, or mindfulness, which can enhance self-awareness and promote positive change. By working on oneself, you can contribute positively to the relationship and create an atmosphere of growth and harmony.

Let me know your comments if you resonate to any one of the above points.

For Your Success,
Harish H N

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